24 October 2012

Photos from El Porvenir art classes : Fotos de clases de arte en El Porvenir

In June 2012, the Powers-Berman family taught art and music classes at El Porvenir Coffee Cooperative. Below are some photos....more soon...

En junio 2012, la familia Powers-Berman enseñó clases de arte y música. Abajo se encuentre algunas fotos...más fotos próximamente...

Photos by Sue Powers and family : Fotos por Sue Powers y familia

20 June 2012

Powers-Berman Family to teach art and music at El Porvenir Coffee Cooperative : Familia Powers-Berman enseñará el arte y la música en El Porvenir Cooperativa de Café

We are proud to announce that artist/musician/professor Sue Powers and her family will travel to El Porvenir Coffee Cooperative to teach art and music and perform music!  Below is the press release from CCAC.
Tenemos el orgullo que la artísta/música/profesora Sue Powers y su familia viajarán al cooperativo de café, El Porvenir. Enseñarán clases de arte, música y tocaron música! Abajo se encuentra el comunicado de prensa de CCAC.

CCAC instructor brings the arts to remote region of Nicaraguan coffee farmers

PITTSBURGH—Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) Adjunct Art Professor Susan Powers is headed to Central America to teach art and music. For two weeks, Powers and her family will give lessons to the families of reconciled former Sandinista, Contra and Somoza fighters in El Porvenir, a community of 200 in the northwest mountains of Nicaragua.

Accompanied by her husband, musician and educator Jeff Berman, and their sons, Sam and Eli, Powers will depart later this month. The family will take donated musical instruments, art supplies, prescription eyeglasses and mirrors—items difficult for the residents, who are mostly coffee farmers, to obtain in this remote region.

Powers became involved with the El Porvenir community through Sara Cuadra-Berg, a native of Nicaragua living in Pittsburgh. It was through Cuadra-Berg’s family—who in turn are serving as the Powers’ hosts during their stay—that Powers learned that the teenagers of El Porvenir had a desire to learn more about the arts.
In advance of her trip, Powers received donated arts supplies from the Squirrel Hill-based arts store Artist and Craftsman and an art materials grant from the Granada Arts Education Project. She will be working in collaboration with the project’s founder, Mauren Antkowski, to present an arts curriculum in Spanish. Powers’ projects will include observational drawing and painting lessons, composition theory and photography.
According to Powers, “What makes my work with the community unique is that I will be developing relationships to create a learning environment that is site-specific and one of open engagement, where the language of art is taught and shared and responds to the needs and desires of  El Porvenir.”
Powers received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Carnegie Mellon University and has a Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting from Pratt Institute. She is well known in Pittsburgh for her banjo playing and singing work with the groups, Devilish Merry and AppalAsia.

16 May 2012

Paseo a San Juan de Oriente : : Field trip to San Juan de Oriente

En octubre 2011 los alumnos y maestros de Escuelita Yo Puedo fueron a San Juan de Oriente, un pueblo ubicada cerca de Granada, que se conoce por su cerámica magnífica.  Los alumnos visitaron un taller y cooperativa de ceramistas, aprendieron el proceso de fabricar las obras de cerámica, y también pasaron un rato en el parque turística cerca de la Laguna de Apoyo.

Este paseo fue posible por una donación generoso de uno de nuestros donantes.

Aquí se puede mirar más de las fotos de voluntaria Kathleen de Onis.

In October 2011, the students and teachers from Escuelita Yo Puedo traveled to San Juan de Oriente, a village located near Granada, well-known for its magnificent ceramics.  The students visited a workshop and cooperative of ceramists, learned the process of making ceramic pieces, and spent some time in the tourist park near Laguna de Apoyo.

This field trip was possible from a generous donation from one of our donors.

Here you can see more photos from volunteer Kathleen de Onis. 

Proyectos agosto-noviembre 2011 : : Projects August-November 2011

Durante el mes de agosto, la maestra Mauren Antkowski trabajaron con los alumnos de Quinta los Chavalos y Escuelita Yo Puedo.  Los alumnos hicieron obras magníficas durante las clases de arte. Abajo les enseñamos algunos de sus proyectos:

Fui al mercado: Después de leer el libro "Abuelita fue al mercado", los alumnos de Escuelita Yo Puedo diseñaron libros con ilustraciones describiendo la variedad de cultura, colores, etc. que se encuentra en los mercados locales por todo el país.

During the month of August 2011, teacher Mauren Antkowski worked with students at Quinta los Chavalos and Escuelita Yo Puedo.  The students made wonderful works in their art classes.  Below are some of their projects:

I went to market: After reading the book "Granny went to the market", the students at Escuelita Yo Puedo designed books whose illustrations described the variety of culture, colors, etc. that are found in the local marketplaces throughout the country of Nicaragua.

Autoretratos: Alumnos de secundaria en Quinta los Chavalos hicieron autoretratos, imaginando lo que aspiran a ser cuando se hacen mayores.

Self-portraits: Secondary students at Quinta los Chavalos made self-portraits, imagining what they want to be when they grow up.

Autoretratos chistosos: Alumnos de primaria pintaron autoretratos comicos.

Silly self-portraits: Elementary school students painted comical self-portraits.

Paisajes de collage: Alumnos de secundaria en Quinta los Chavalos estudiaron y discutieron los paisajes de sus alrededores y fabricaron sus propios paisajes en forma de collage.

Collage landscapes: Secondary students at Quinta los Chavalos studied and discussed landscapes in their environment and made their own collage landscapes.

Haz clic aquí para ver más fotos de estos proyectos.

Click here to see more photos from these projects.